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7 tourist destinations on the island of Bali, Indonesia

Want to have a vacation to Bali Island? Here we summarize 7 tourist destinations on the island of Bali, which are guaranteed to be fun and exciting fo

It seems that the time we have will not be enough to really go on an adventure and explore every corner of the island of Bali. This place never ends surprisingly with its natural beauty.

It's no wonder that the Island of the Gods is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Indonesia, even in the world. Even though Bali is famous for its really cute beaches, it turns out that this beautiful island is not the only magnet.

Relax, Ashwamedia will give you recommendations for the newest destinations or tourist attractions in Bali that are instagramable, unique and the most hits visited by tourists. Check out the full review below!

7 tourist destinations on the island of Bali, Indonesia

Hidden Canyon, Beji Guwang

7 tourist destinations on the island of Bali

I think this tourist spot in Bali has a "hidden" element guaranteed to have views that can make people worldwide jealous. Hidden Canyon Beji Guwang for example.

This piece of a hidden treasure on the Island of the Gods is located on Jalan Sahadewa, Gianyar Regency, Bali. This super beautiful canyon not only attracts the attention of domestic tourists but also foreign tourists.

Karma Kandara Beach

7 tourist destinations on the island of Bali

As soon as you arrive at Karma Kandara Beach, you will no longer think about stopping by Kuta Beach the next time you go on vacation to Bali.

This beach in Ungasan Village, South Kuta District, Badung Regency has a very calm atmosphere, far from the hustle and bustle of the city, because the location is quite remote. Soft white sand and crystal clear water are the best companions you can find here.

Bali Safari Park

7 tourist destinations on the island of Bali

Do you know, Bali Safari Park has won the Indonesia Award Winning Theme Park, you know! Unlike the other two Safari Parks, here the atmosphere is made very Balinese with many carvings and statues.

The animals that inhabit it are imported directly from India, Africa, and Indonesia's own endemic animals. The location is on Jalan Bypass Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra, about 17 kilometers from Denpasar.

Gemitir Garden

7 tourist destinations on the island of Bali

You could say Gemitir Park came from an accident. At first, tourist attractions in Bali were just vegetable fields owned by local residents. This finally hit, because a super aesthetic, typical Central American marigold flower garden grows. Many travelers also stop because the scenery is really beautiful.

Aling-Aling Waterfall

7 tourist destinations on the island of Bali

This tourist spot in Bali likes to make people forget that the Aling-Aling Waterfall is not private. In the end, the atmosphere here is very private because it is quiet and rarely visited by visitors.

This 12-meter-high waterfall is surrounded by cliffs and lush trees, not to mention the water is clear and refreshing. Very cool, right? For those of you who want to feel like you have a private waterfall, try coming to Jalan Raya Sambangan Village, Sukasada, Buleleng Regency.

Ubud Traditional Market

7 tourist destinations on the island of Bali
If you like rattan craft bags and pay close attention to the posts of influencers and Instagramers, this folk-style bag is sure to be going around a lot until it finally gives rise to a new fashion trend.

If you happen to stop by in Ubud, Bali, you can find bags like this at the Ubud Art Market on Jalan Raya Ubud, Gianyar, Bali. It's also not bad if you open a deposit service!

West Bali National Park

7 tourist destinations on the island of Bali

Another hidden paradise in Bali is located within the West Bali National Park. With an area of 77 thousand hectares, can you imagine how beautiful the view will receive?

Forest and savanna habitats, remnants of volcanoes, hundreds of species of flora and fauna, to the seas and waters that frame the whole. Are you sure you want to miss it when visiting Bali?

After reading the following 7 references to tourist attractions in Bali that are instagramable, unique and most hits visited by tourists, there may be a long debate between you and your friends about which one to go first. - island of Bali

7 tourist destinations on the island of Bali, Indonesia
7 tourist destinations on the island of Bali, Indonesia

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